School Uniform

We are very proud of our school and of our pupils. We believe that high standards of presentation, behaviour and organisation will give our pupils the very best chance of reaching their full potential.

Our school uniform aims to: 

  • promote a sense of pride.
  • engender a sense of community and belonging.
  • be practical and smart.
  • create a sense of identity and familiarity.
  • make children feel equal.
  • be good value for money.

Our school uniform colour is a combination of navy blue and dark grey/black. Parents may choose to purchase either plain items of clothing or items branded with our school logo. There are two companies who supply Bickleigh branded school uniform.  Both companies offer free delivery to the school or a paid delivery service direct to your home address.

The website addresses are:


Winter Uniform

Navy sweatshirt top or plain navy cardigan (with or without school logo)

Black/grey trousers/shorts or black/grey/navy skirt or black/grey/navy pinafore dress

Plain white polo shirt (with or without school logo)

Plain black shoes, trainers or boots without logos

Plain black/navy/grey short or knee length socks

Plain black/navy/grey tights

Insulated waterproof coat (with or without school logo)

Hat, scarf and gloves (optional)

PE/Games Kit

PE/Games kit is required when your child reaches Class 2 and above. We ask that your child brings their kit to school in a separate PE bag well before the day of their lesson to ensure they are prepared.

Bickleigh House colour t-shirt (with or without school logo)

Navy/black shorts

Navy hooded sweatshirt or plain navy sweatshirt (with or without school logo)

Plain black/white trainers

Navy and white long-sleeved football shirt with logo (optional)

Sports socks (optional)

Navy/black tracksuit bottoms (optional)

Gloves (optional)

Hat (optional)


Summer Uniform

Navy/black/grey skirt or black/grey shorts or navy/white gingham dress

Plain white polo shirt (with or without school logo)

Sun hat/cap

Plain black shoes, trainers or smart sandals

Additional roll-on sunscreen (optional)

Lightweight waterproof coat

PE/Games Kit

PE/Games kit is required when your child reaches Class 2 and above. We ask that your child brings their kit to school in a separate PE bag well before the day of their lesson to ensure they are prepared.

Bickleigh House colour t-shirt (with or without school logo)

Navy/black shorts or navy/black ‘cycling’ shorts



Jewellery should not be worn to school. The exceptions to this are earring studs in pierced ears, sensible watches and small objects of religious significance.


Hair bands, ribbons/bows or ‘scrunchies’ should be plain, discrete and either navy or black in colour. Make up and nail varnish should not be worn to school.

Additional Items

  • All pupils will carry reading books to and from school. In order to keep books safe, we ask that your child uses either a book bag or plastic folder (with or without school logo). Please email the school office if you wish to purchase a Bickleigh School book bag.
  • Pupils have the option of bringing stationary to school when they reach Year 3. Your child’s class teacher will give you further details about this.
  • All pupils will need to bring a full water bottle to school each day.

 All items should be clearly labelled

Second-hand Uniform

Bickleigh School Association (PTFA) organise regular second hand uniform sales. See our school newsletter for further information.