Our Rewards

We seek opportunities to praise good behaviour and achievements, within the individual class and as a whole school. Where needed, individual and differentiated approaches are used. Once a week we have a whole school assembly as a celebration of pupil’s achievements.

Our Approach to Rewards

  • Verbal praise, smiles and supportive comments given by all adults.
  • Positive comments written on work
  • Praising good behaviour
  • Verbal and/or written comments to parents
  • Giving pupil’s responsibility as a reward
  • Headteacher being made aware of excellent behaviour / work
  • Merits and House Points (see below)
  • Teachers using parent evenings and reports to highlight specific successes
  • Use of communal areas to display achievements and successes

Merits and House Points

Merits are given for excellent work. Certificates are awarded depending on the total number of merits gained:

  • Bronze = 15
  • Silver = 30
  • Gold = 50
  • Platinum= 75
  • Diamond = 100

Pupils may be awarded a straight Merit or incremental steps to a Merit: 4 steps = 1 x Merit.

House points are awarded for excellent behaviour / attitude

At the end of each half term, the House with the most points will be allowed to wear their house colour to school on the last day of that half-term.

‘Pupil of the Week’ certificates are awarded to one pupil in each class to celebrate their work towards a Golden Value.