Bickleigh-on-Exe Local Governing Body
Our Local Governing Body is made up of parents, community representatives and a representative of the local church. The Local Governing Body provides the local context and the challenge and support to the Headteacher, ensuring the very best local provision is given to our school. The Local Governing Body are also able to influence and communicate with the Trustees on big decisions that our Multi Academy Trust needs to make.
We are very grateful for the time given by the individuals who make up our Members, Trustees, and Local Governing Body without which it would simply not be possible to run a successful school. The members of our Local Governing Body are:
Helen Honeyball – Community – (Chair of Governors)
Stephen Bosley – Headteacher School (Ex Officio)
Will Young – Staff
Steve Harper – Co-opted
Joanne Smith – Parent
Vacancy – Parent x 2
Ms Susan Chamberlain – Foundation
Rev Paul Kingdom – Foundation
If you wish to contact any of the Governors please do this via the School Office
The Board of Trustees
The Board of Directors has overall legal responsibility for the operation of the Trust and the Schools within it. It is legally responsible and accountable to the DfE and has to operate and comply with the provisions set out in its constitutional documents and all relevant legislation including the Articles of Association of the Trust, the Master Funding Agreement and the Academies Trust Handbook.
Within our Board of Trustees we have a qualified solicitor, an accountant and people with a wide experience of business in the private sector and large public organisations. Our Trustees are a huge support and also offer appropriate challenge for the leadership of our schools. Further information about our Trustees can be found here: