Our Curriculum Intent

The curriculum across Ventrus schools is designed to provide a broad and balanced education that meets the needs of all children. It defines what children will learn at each stage of their education, preparing learners for future success either in the next step in their education or for life in modern Britain. The curriculum design is purposeful, engaging and with clear intentions. The ambitious intent of the curriculum ensures that all children have an entitlement to a high quality inclusive education, which is underpinned by the teaching of essential skills, knowledge, concepts and values, which are embedded and developed over time.

Every child is recognised as a unique individual and is provided with opportunities and experiences to enable them to have the confidence and skills to make decisions, self-evaluate, make connections and become aspirational life-long learners. They are provided with challenges which build resilience, confidence and independence.

The curriculum supports the children’s physical, spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, ensuring that they are well prepared to play a positive role in modern Britain and the wider world.

As a Trust, our curriculum must respond dynamically to reflect the challenges of the day and the predicted challenges which our children will face in the future. The Trust and the schools within it, will constantly evaluate the design of the curriculum to ensure that it supports the roles that children and young people play in society now and in the future.

At Bickleigh-on-Exe Primary School we have selected history and geography ‘curriculum drivers’ to deliver the following foundation subjects.

Documents and information available regarding our curriculum