Class 2
Welcome back Class 2! We hope all our families had a restful and enjoyable Christmas break. We are looking forward to a busy term with new topics for the children to get their teeth into!
Geography and Science will be closely linked this term, with study of the seasons in Science and Weather and Extreme Weather in Geography. As well as improving their map and fieldwork skills, Class 2 will be conducting weather observations and building simple weather stations to help them record daily patterns. We shall also be learning about different climates around the world and comparing them with our own, the weather associated with the 4 seasons in the UK and physical changes in the environment as the seasons change.
Our Maths lessons follow the White Rose scheme. Yr1 children will be exploring adding and subtracting with larger numbers, securing their knowledge of number with place value and then moving onto measure, exploring new equipment and units. Yr2 children will be multiplying and dividing using multiples of 2, 5 and 10 for the first part of the term and then we shall be measuring length and height using standard units, followed by work on mass, capacity and temperature. Our middle area will support work on money by setting up a shop where the children can use coin for paying and giving change.
The children have been re-assessed at the end of last term and are in their new Read Write Inc groups for phonics lessons. As last term, ‘home reading books’ will be sent out at the end of each unit (typically 5-day cycles). Later in the term we will work as a class to study some fiction and show off our writing skills.
Music lessons will follow the Charanga scheme; we will learn a new song and use instruments to play along. Children will be identifying the beat and tempo and recognise the changes in timbre, dynamics and pitch.
Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) will include learning on keeping healthy, staying safe, relationships, being responsible, feelings and emotions and computer safety. We will be taking part in a mindful collage project on Friday 24th January to mark World Mental Health week. Details to follow.
Art lessons this term will include study of famous artists like Constable and Turner. This will tie in with our work on weather, as both artists were famous for their skies and use of light. We look forward to seeing what our amazing little artists produce!
ICT will continue to support work across the curriculum, as well as providing practise on times tables and targeted phonics interventions.
Our RE work will include exploring the religion of Islam in the first part of the term and later in the Spring, a celebration of Easter, including our Easter service, festivities and the famous Bickleigh Egg Rolling!
Click here to see photographs of learning and events
Class 2 consists Year 1 and Year 2 children
Mrs H Walford and Mrs H Champness
Teaching Assistants:
Miss T Janes