Class 1 Events and Photos

School Year 2021 - 22

Spring 2022

The EYFS unit thoroughly enjoyed learning about Shrove Tuesday and testing out a variety of toppings for their pancakes!  

pancake 1
Pancake 2

The EYFS unit have been very creative at the modelling table. The preschool children have been experimenting with joining items together using glue and tape. Class 1 children have been reflecting on their models with the help of their friends, in order to return to them and improve them the following day.

The children in the EYFS Unit have been learning that it is the season of winter.  They have been making bird feeders to help the birds find food.


Class 1 loved visiting the new school library for the first time, to choose a book to take home and enjoy with a family member.


Autumn 2021


The children in the EYFS have been welcoming Spotty’s new friend Walter to the Bickleigh family. 

A big thank you to Wendy Kingdom who came to talk to Class 1 about their topic of Hanukkah.   

C1 Wendy Kingdom

This week Catherine and Gemma from Park Hill Vets  joined us in the EYFS. They also brought Harley the dog. We listened to his heartbeat with a stethoscope. We also dressed up as a vet and bandaged some other (toy) animals. We loved looking at the big models of a flea, mite and tick! 

EYFS 2 a
EYFS 1 a

We have been inspired by the ENORMOUS pumpkin that Matylda brought in for us to look at. It sparked a whole range of activities, including trying to balance on it!

pump 1
Pump 2

We carved pumpkins, exploring the textures and smells of the insides. We found it was squishy and slimy inside with some very slippery seeds that we could squeeze between our finger and thumb to fire into the air!

We collected all sorts of squashes and pumpkins and had fun comparing them, stacking them, ordering them by size.

We looked carefully at them to draw them, noticing the different colours and patterns

pump 3
pump 5
pump 4

We represented them with paper.

We represented them with a printing activity where we learned about thick and thin paint brushes and how to use them to good effect.

We used some of the seeds for a counting activity.

pump 8
pump 7
pump 6

We enjoyed reading Helen Cooper’s Pumpkin Soup.

What a pumpkin-y week!

pump 9

School Year 2020 - 21

Pond Dipping - July 2021

PD 1
PD 2
PD 3

In the Spring we released our tadpoles that we had nurtured from frog spawn into our pond.

This week Zofia and Arabella asked if we could look in the pond for some frogs. This sparked the great Class 1 Pond Dip!

We learnt how to move safely round the pond and use a net to catch some creatures. We learnt how to take of the creatures in our tray before finally releasing them back into the pond.

PD 5
PD 4
PD 7

We were so excited to find baby frogs, newts, pond snails, pond slaters, water beetles among a host of other larvae .

At the end of this we round a very scary creature that turned out to be a dragonfly nymph. It has clearly come out of the pond ready to change into a dragonfly.

We learned that it is a fierce predator and likes to eat tadpoles!

Growing Potatoes - June 2021

Back in March, Class 1 were very excited to take delivery of some seed potatoes from Grow Your Own Potatoes. We carefully left them on the windowsill to chit and then planted them in the bags provided

Pot 1
Pot 2
Pot 3

We carefully watched them grow and then, in June, we harvested them!

Pot 4
Pot 5
Pot 6

We washed them, counted them, sorted them into small, medium and large and cooked them

Pot 7
Pot 8
Pot 9
Pot 0

Finally, we ate them, and all agreed that they were DELICIOUS!!!

Pot 11
Pot 12
Pot 13

Under the Sea Art - Summer Term 2021

The children in Class 1 have been creating wonderful art in response to their Under the Sea topic. They were inspired by their learning about different sea creatures and the illustrations in the wonderful story The Rainbow Fish.


Photo 1

They began by creating the backgrounds for their artwork. They learned that it was easier and more effective to use a large brush to do this. They painted a base colour and then blended in 2 more colours to give the effect of the sea.

Next, they decided which sea creature they would paint and practised this on a whiteboard, using fiction and non-fiction books for inspiration.

Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 4

Once the backgrounds were dry, they painted the outline of their sea creature. They learned that a thin paintbrush was much better for this job.

Photo 5
Photo 6

When this was dry, they learned about the primary colours red, yellow and blue and used these colours to mix further colours to fill in their outline. Again, they used thin brushes for this.

Photo 7

Finally, they added a shiny, shimmering scale to each of their sea creatures, thinking about what size scale they would need. I think you will agree their artwork is beautiful!

Under the sea 6
Under the sea 5
Under the sea 4
Under the sea 3
Under the sea 2
Under the sea 1

Tales from Class 1 - It all started with Hamma beads .........................

Aggie arrived at school with a Hama Bead star she had made in Breakfast Club. She was holding it up to the light and remarked that it reminded her of church windows.  Everyone in class was very interested in this, and we discussed stained-glass windows; how they were made, who had seen them and what they depicted.

We then made some representations of stained-glass windows and stuck them to our classroom window. We loved the colours they threw onto the classroom floor when the sun moved round and shone directly through them!

We then took a walking trip up to St Mary’s Church in Bickleigh to have a look at real stained-glass windows. We examined the windows from inside and out to see if they looked any different and decided that in the daylight’ they were better from the inside.

We also took the opportunity to look at the font and remind ourselves of the work we have done on Christenings before Christmas.

When we returned to class, we investigated putting coloured filters onto the torches and enjoyed projecting the different coloured lights onto the ceiling.

We had a great day of learning stimulated from a simple Hama bead star!

Interior Window
Stained Glass
Hamma Beads
Exterior Window


Class 1 have spent a wonderful half term learning about Dinosaurs both in school and at home.

We enjoyed role playing in our Dinosaur land, planted some dinosaur seeds which actually grew into dinosaurs!! We wrote our own instructions on how to grow them so that others can try. We learned a lot about features of dinosaurs and used this knowledge to make ourselves into various dinosaurs based on fact or our imaginations!  We were really interested in volcanoes too, so made our own that actually exploded lava. We loved this topic!

Dinosaurs 8
Dinosaurs 2
Dinosaurs 5
Dinosaurs 4
Dinosaurs 7
Dinosaurs 3
Dinosaurs 6
Dinosaurs 1


Class 1 have been learning about Diwali- the Festival of Lights. We made salt dough Diva Lamps, rangoli patterns , lanterns and tasted barfi. We learned all about the story of Rama and Sita and how good triumphed over evil. We particularly enjoyed Hanuman the Monkey King and Ravanna the 10-headed and 20-armed Demon King!  We loved acting out the story and everyone wanted to be those characters!


School Year 2018 - 19

Pancake Day and World Book Day


Class 1 visited the chicken farm and collected eggs.

Chicken Farm 2
Chicken Farm 3
Chicken 1

Former Pupil and Author returns to Bickleigh On Exe Primary School

Author Catherine Baddeley returns to read youngsters her latest story Farmer Christmas

The Little Red Hen

The Little Red Hen invited class 1 to come and visit some of her friends at Exe Valley Eggs- a free range egg off we went on the minibus! We put on our special blue shoe covers and visited the young hens just coming out of the barn, sang them our Hickety Pickety counting song, collected eggs, told our story of The Little Red Hen to a hen and had a picnic in Farmer John and Mandy's kitchen . We all came home with 6 delicious free range eggs each . We would like to thank John and Mandy Widdowson of Exe Valley Eggs for their tremendous hospitality ( and thank you to The Little Red Hen for inviting us!)

with our eggs
our blue over shoes
farmer John and a hen
egg belt
collecting eggs

Class 1 Visit the Pub!

Class 1 would like to say a HUGE thank you to Mr and Mrs Kirk and the staff at The Fisherman’s Cot for allowing us to visit for their snack last week.  The children enjoyed ordering and eating out.

Fisherman's Cot
Fisherman's Cot2
Fisherman's Cot 1