Safeguarding and Child Protection
If you have any concerns about any child, and feel that you need to speak to someone to discuss these concerns, then please telephone the School Office on 01884 855357.
2023-24 Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy
All staff are fully trained in safeguarding:
Level 3
Stephen Bosley (Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Louise Oxenham (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Rebecca Prior (SENDCo)
Wendy Humphreys (School Administrator)
Tanya James (Pre-School Manager)
All other staff are Level 2 Safeguarding trained.
If you would rather speak to someone out of school, or during school holidays, then please contact:
- CYPS Child Protection Team 0844 8805838 (Monday to Friday 9am-5pm) or
- Emergency Duty Team 0845 6000 388 (outside of normal office hours).
- MASH 0345 155 1071
In addition to material produced by local authorities and the police, such as the new “Prevent Strategies” online campaign ( – there are online resources produced by civil society groups which provide valuable advice, for example ‘Families Matter’ ( run by Families Against Stress and Trauma.
For more information please also see: